Ponovo organizujemo Veče Brazila u KCD!
Ovoga puta, posvećujemo se brazilskoj književnosti i muzici, istražujući pitanje: Kako biti slobodan? Inspiracija nam stiže iz života i dela Clarice Lispector, brazilske spisateljice, kao i iz muzike legendarnih izvođača poput Rite Lee, Caetana Velosa, Gilberta Gila i drugih.
Datum događaja: 26. april, početak u 18h.
We are hosting another Brazilian Night at KCD!
This time, we delve into Brazilian literature and music, exploring the question: How to be free? Inspiration flows from the life and works of Clarice Lispector, Brazilian writer, and the music of legendary artists like Rita Lee, Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, and others.
Event date: April 26th, starting at 6 PM.
See you there!